Monday, September 30, 2019

In human communication, the spoken and unspoken words belong to both the sender and receiver Essay

Communication is the process of sharing meaning with others. The sender is the person who sends the massage and the receiver is the person who receives the massage. There are encoding and decoding processes that happen during this stage. The sender encodes his idea or thought into a massage. For instance, there is a policeman staring at you, and you somehow notice the action and panic. The exchange between sender and receiver occurs. As the receiver, when you notice his action, you will decode the body language and his serious facial expression and you will think that as a sign that you’re in trouble. This interpretation may due to your knowledge and experiences. These both encoding and decoding is very important. This kind of massage can be either in the form of verbal communication or non-verbal communication. Verbal communication or also known as spoken word can be divided into two types, oral verbal communication and non-oral verbal communication. Oral verbal communication is the usage moment when we utter the words or speaking whereas non oral verbal communication is the usage of alphabets system in a proper manner or in a simple word, writing form. Non-verbal communication or also known as unspoken word can also be divided into oral non-verbal communication and non-oral non-verbal communication. Non-verbal communication as a whole can be defined as’ those bodily actions and vocal quality that typically accompany a verbal massage and are usually interpreted as intentional’. A person who is standing on the basis to deliver a speech even though looks like he is only performing a verbal communication may also unintentionally performs non-verbal communication too. This can be seen through his body language for instances, body gestures, facial expressions and even eye contacts. This explains the theory given by Verderber that non-verbal communication and verbal communication can be both happen at the same time. In communicating with each other, language is one of the compulsory features that are required. According to Rudolph F. Verderber, language is the body of works and system for their use in communicating that are common to people of the same community or nation, the same geographical area, or the same cultural tradition. If the spoken language used by the sender is not as same as the receiver, it will lead to the problem in conveying the massage. Body language as opposite is universal and can be understood by almost everyone around the globe despite of their nationality, races, genders or even their mother’s tongue. Smile for an instance, sending the message that the doer is happy, friendly and also in a good mood. Shannon and Weaver are the creators of the first communication model. This model was first created to show how the radio and telephone is working. There are three major parts of this model which ate sender, channel and receiver. The sender will encodes and transmitted the messages in form of binary code or data through the channel. The receiver then will receive and decodes the data into understanding messages. Plus, during the process of sending the messages, there may be some interruption or noise happened either internally or externally. This may due to the imbalance hormone, lack of information, crowd noise or even health problem. Communication begins with self. This principle explains how one’s experiences and knowledge affects his or her ways in treating and communicating other people. Experts also agree that people are products of how others treat them and of the messages others send them. I quoted Carl Rogers, â€Å"every individual exists in a continually changing world of experience of which he is the center.† Someone who experienced either bad or good experiences in his past will have already prepared if the same situation occur again. For example Ali was once been scolded by his lecturer when he did nit hands in the assignment during the due date, this will become a turning point or lesson for him so that in the future he won’t repeat the same mistake again. Communication at the same time is also complicated. The combination of verbal, non-verbal, behavior and attitude of speakers, the intonation and other factors when they combine will make the messages hard to be understood. Moreover, the usage of high-level vocabularies, the complicated structures and uncommon term will make even the simplest message hard to comprehend. As conclusion, in ensuring the communication between two parties is successful, they must have the most important aspect of communication, which are mutual respect and mutual understanding.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Child Psychology Services (Part 3) Essay

Explain different types of bullying and the potential effects on children and young people. Bullying and the fear of bullying are major worries for many children and young people. The victims of bullying are usually different in some way from the bully; the differences may be as simple as a different physical characteristic or being seen as a ‘swot’. Bullying can be specific. The basis for the bullying can be one or more of the following forms: – Physical (pushing, kicking hitting, pinching and other forms of violence or threats). – Verbal (name-calling, insults, sarcasm, spreading rumours, persistent teasing). – Emotional (including not speaking to and excluding someone, tormenting ridicule, humiliation). – Cyber-bullying (the use of information and communications technology particularly mobile phones and the internet, deliberately to upset someone else). Bullying can be carried out by one person against another, or by groups of people ‘ganging up’ on a person. Bullying is not always delivered as a personal face -to- face attack, but can also be delivered through technology. Potential effects of bullying can be; – Threatened or attempted suicide. – Depression. – Running away. – Low self esteem. – Isolation. – Shyness. – Poor academic achievement. There are many reasons and possibilities as to why people bully, most of the time it’s because the victim is different in some way. Below are some of the  differences why someone might be bullied: – appearance (e.g. hair colour or style, height). – Race. – Religion. – Nationality. – Sexual orientation. – Being jealous. Both males and females are capable of carrying out a vicious attack such as bullying on others. Some bullies only do it to uphold their reputation and look ‘hard’. Many bullies only bully others out of jealousy and many of the people who have been bullied go on to do great things with their life, like some famous people who have been bullied. Outline the policies and procedures that should be followed in response to concerns or evidence of bullying and explain the reasons why they are in place. All schools are required by law to have anti-bulling policies in place but these vary in how they are worded and the subsequent actions that need to be taken. Schools must also have policies to encourage good behaviour and respect for others on the part for others on the part of pupils. The Department for Education is clear that no form of bullying should be tolerated. Bullying should be taken very seriously; it is not a normal part of growing up and it can ruin lives. The current anti-bulling guidance for schools, Safe to learn: embedding anti-bulling work in schools, was launched in September 2007. Explain how to support a child or young person and/or their family when bullying is suspected or alleged. When dealing with someone who is being bullied it is important to remember that they will be very upset although they may not show it on the outside. If they have managed to get up the courage to talk to you then they need to know you will take the problem seriously. In the case of an older child, it  is a good idea to ask them to write down exactly what happened and who was there so that you can speak to other people. The more information you have, the better you will be able to deal with the problem and the faster you can sort out exactly what happened. Reassure the victim that you will be back in touch with them as soon as you have completed your investigation and that if there are any more problems in the meantime they must let you know immediately. Supporting the family Parents can find it very hard to know how to help their child if they are being bullied. Some parents will have to cope with the news that it is their child who is a bully. You need to know how to support parents in both these cases. Listen to parents; let them explain how they are feeling. Direct them to useful information so that they can start to think how to support their child. Explain how to support children and young people’s self-confidence and self-esteem. Children and young people who are: – Assertive. – Self-confident. – Self-aware. – Have high self-esteem. Are less likely to be vulnerable to abuse. A child who has high self-esteem will do better in many aspects of development. Self esteem can be supported by: – Giving lots of praise and encouragement. – Encouraging independence and choice, with many opportunities to try things out. – Teaching children how to be assertive (this means having their own needs met but still respecting those of others). – Encouraging cooperation, respect and tolerance between children, and giving a positive example yourself. Analyse the importance of supporting resilience in children and young people Resilience is the ability to deal with the ups and down of life and is based on self-esteem. The more resilient a child is the more they will be able to deal with life as they grow and develop into adulthood. Many factors can positively affect a child’s resilience: – Secure early attachment. – Confidence of being loved by family and friends. – Good sense of self-identity. – Ability to act independently. – Confidence to try new things. Explain why it is important to work with the child or young person to ensure they have strategies to protect themselves and make decisions about safety. The important thing for all children to remember is that they should never feel uncomfortable about someone they are with or something being done to them. Children and young people need support to be able to keep them safe. It is important to be available to talk with children about any concerns they may have. If they are upset by a reported case of abuse, then you should be as reassuring as possible. You should stress that almost all children lead safe and happy lives and only very few adults want to hurt children in any way. Using correct anatomical language, at a level appropriate to the child, is important when you are talking about bodies. Simple, age-appropriate sessions, linked to other activities, on how the human body works help children to understand what their bodies can do and raise awareness of what is normal and what is not. Sessions on ‘body maintenance’ should be an integral part of children’s education, not just to warn them of the danger of misus e. The Keep safe Code produced by Kidscape is an effective way of getting across the message about personal safety to young children. Older children need more detailed information such as: – Lessons on normal sexual function, related to adult behaviour (relevant to your setting’s policy. – Information about misuse of their bodies, through smoking, alcohol and illegal drugs. – The risks of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (Chlamydia, herpes, gonorrhoea, etc.). Help from other organisations Organisations such as Kidscape, Childeline and the NSPCC can help with information and guidance on these topics. It is important to use them properly and be sure that information is accurate and used to their best effect. Explain ways of empowering children and young people to make positive and informed choices that support their well being and safety. Children and young people need to be empowered to keep themselves safe. Children will always push boundaries and take risks – that is how we all learn. Your role is to manage those risks without taking away their independence. When they are empowered, and can make their own choices, they are able to do things alone and without supervision.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Historical development of management Assignment

Historical development of management - Assignment Example Historical development of management The industrial revolution was to further impact the theory and practice of management with its new demands during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries due to the opening of factories, which demanded new styles, and practices in order to monitor, control. The practice of managing initially fell on owners of commercial enterprises but was gradually expanded to incorporate employees who were recruited for the sole purpose of managing. The non-owner managers became more and more popular as commercial organizations grew in size and complexity. Though management as a practice according to some definitions has existed for many centuries, some written works have been thought to have great influence on modern management theories. In fact, even ancient military texts have been credited with having contributing to management practice by their emphasis on evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of one’s adversary as well as oneself. The great general Sun Tzu of China wrote of the great benefits of the correct evaluation of one’s foes and self in the â€Å"The Art of War†. Other works were written for the purpose of training and guiding leaders in the area of decision-making. Famous for Machiavellianism was Niccolo Machiavelli who is still talked of in modern management studies though in a negative sense for his promotion of mistrust of employees and class stratification based on economic and position power.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Make a tipic for me Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Make a tipic for me - Essay Example This term post colonial is a loose definition. For example: the United States might also be described as a postcolonial country, but it is not perceived as such because of its position of power in world politics in the present, its displacement of native American populations, and its annexation of other parts of the world in what may be seen as a form of colonization. The term post colonial means a native people breaking free from an oppressor. America is not post colonial, because the Native Americans never conquered the settlers from Europe. However, in America’s defense, an attempt to create a melting pot has been attempted, although this has not been completely successful. The European empire is said to have held sway over more than 85% of the rest of the globe by the time of the First World War, having consolidated its control over several centuries. The sheer extent and duration of the European empire and its disintegration after the Second World War have led to widespread interest in postcolonial literature and criticism in our own times. (Deepika). When a country is liberated, either by force or peacefully, from colonists, some colonists remain. Not only do some colonists remain, but the traditions the native country endured remain. The European colonization of many nations transformed the native culture, and the colonizers actually living in these countries irrevocably. In a post colonial community a division exists between the natives and former colonists. Colonists want to control natives, to civilize them. The text book states Westerners see, â€Å"former colonial subjects as Others; as people different from â€Å"us†; as those in need of Western guidance, expertise, and guidance† (George and Trimbur, 522). An example of trying to civilize natives in a post colonial community is India. Robert Young writes: In

Thursday, September 26, 2019

My Final Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

My Final Exam - Essay Example Bottom-up mode, on the other hand, rooted for rural development and distributional issues through small-scale bottom-up projects that directly engaged the urban and rural poor population in income-generating schemes. The advocated activities are envisaged to generate profit, savings, and investment at the grassroots level, thus reducing the need for income to trickle down via the market hierarchy (United Nations 2009, p.4). Bottom up initiatives highlight the participation of the local community in development initiatives and empower the communities to establish their own goals and the means of attaining those goals. One of the most significant and critical issues regarding international development is getting the right resources to places where they are needed most, and guaranteeing that the resources remain integrated in a sustainable manner. In fact, some authors assert the catastrophe of aid is the absence of accountability and meaningful investment. The authors assert that the massive monetary allocation to developing countries projects has failed to deliver the envisaged objectives, and the countries manifests shockingly minimal growth. This may flow from bureaucratic interventions by governments, foreign agencies, or multinationals, which frequently impose top-down solutions that ignore the needs and wishes of the bottom. Conversely, acknowledgement and addressing of community issues through community-developed remedies is critical to the understanding of the delicate intricacies of local issues, as well as to the success and sustainability of such projects (United Nations 2002, p.65). Capacity building can be delineated into four interventions directed at producing sustained change. These include top-down approach; bottom-up approach; partnership approach; and community organizing approach. Participatory approaches to development require redefining of the relationship between donors, development workers,

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Integrated Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Integrated - Research Paper Example Aristotle's categorization of animals categorized together animals with the same characteristics into genera and then differentiated the species within the genera. He categorized the animals into two forms: those without blood, and those with blood. These differentiations correlate closely to the current distinction between invertebrates and vertebrates (Taylor, 1955). The animals with blood, corresponds to the vertebrates, included five genera: mammals (viviparous quadrupeds), oviparous quadrupeds (reptiles and amphibians), birds, whales, and fishes. The whales are included in this list because, at this time of history, they had not yet been determined to be mammals. The animals without blood were categorized as crustaceans; cephalopods (such as the octopus); insects (which included the scorpions, centipedes, and spiders, in addition to what, is currently defined as insects); "zoophytes† shelled animals (such as most echinoderms and molluscs) (Taylor, 1955). Aristotle's ideas on earth sciences are found in his treatise Meteorology. The modern world might translate meteorology to mean the study of weather, but Aristotle made use of the word in a much broader way, covering all the affections that human beings might consider to be general to water and air, and parts and kinds of the earth and the affections of the parts of the earth. Aristotle discusses the nature of the oceans and the earth. He achieved this by working out the hydrologic cycle: "Now the sun, moving as it does, sets up processes of change and becoming and decay, and by its agency the finest and sweetest water is every day carried up and is dissolved into vapor and rises to the upper region, where it is condensed again by the cold and so returns to the earth." (Aristotle, Tara?n & Gutas, 2012). He also talks about winds, earthquakes, lightning, thunder, comets, rainbows, meteors, and the Milky Way (Anderson & Stephenson, 2004). His idea of Earth history has some remarkably modern-sounding no tions. According to Aristotle, The same parts of the earth’s surface are not always dry or moist, but they change just as rivers come into being and dry up. Therefore, the connection of land to sea changes, a particular place does not always remain sea or land throughout all time, but where there was a sea, there comes to be dry land and where there is now dry land, and there one day comes to be sea. However, these changes to follow set cycles and order. The principle cause of these developments is that the internal of the earth grows or decays, like the bodies of animals and plants (Aristotle, Tara?n & Gutas, 2012). The whole critical process of the earth happens so gradually and in periods of time which are so long compared with the length of human lives. This explains why these changes are not observable by human beings. One of the primary concerns of Aristotle’s philosophy was his systematic notion of logic. Aristotle’s aim was to develop a universal procedu re of reasoning that would enable human beings to learn about all conceivable touching on reality. The first process entailed describing objects on the basis of their characteristics, actions and states of being. In his philosophical treatises, he also discusses how human beings can next get information about the objects through inference and deduction. To Aristotle, a deduction

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Narrative about painting The Scream Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Narrative about painting The Scream - Essay Example The essay "Narrative about painting The Scream" focuses on the discussion of the painting "The Scream". Answers- that was what O’ Neill was looking for in this day. Walking to office, he remembered his call for visual proof from the detective. The detective had assured him that it would be provided. There was no need to look for the veracity of his claims of course. Adultery was the norm, he had said. That day, he met Charles at the office and gave him a long hard look. The thought of this man, who was his junior in the office being with his wife, filled him with white hot rage. He kept telling himself that it was just a matter of a few more hours when the entire truth would unfold before everyone’s eyes. He would then revel in his triumph and reveal to everybody how he had been correct. They would have the satisfaction of telling him that they had always warned him of the match. They had told him that she was never from the same social position that he was in and would not understand the realities of his cultural position. She had proved herself and the others through this action of hers. If it had not been for Isaac, he would have been left in a quandary where he would have found himself unable to pick up the shards of his life together. Delinda was at the gate, waiting for O’ Neill as usual. This was the way things were since the day they had gotten married. She would return early and wait for him to the gate of their house and they would go in together. Today, she felt he was absent-minded over something.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Law - Essay Example Eventually, this has led to the member states’ attempts to minimize stemming the burden that unbridled movement of persons place on them. The Regulation EEC 1612/68 has already been applied to more than 2 million EU citizens exercising this right. In 1992, the Treaty of Maastricht created the Community model (amended Treaty of Rome), extended responsibility, and focused more on Community integration by exercising such rules. Originally, members of Community defined it as ‘economic activity’. However, this requirement has been abolished and under the new Directives, the nationals of the EU member’s state are classified as â€Å"Union citizens†1. Needless to say, the free movement of workers is secured2. This directly affects the EU member states by proposing and ratifying laws such as secondary law, Regulation (EEC) 1612/68, and Directives 2004/38. This essay will demonstrate and discuss the significance of Article 45, and potential issues such as (a) right to freedom of movement for job-seeker people; (b) right to freedom of movement after a failed marriage; (c) right to freedom of movement for non-married partners; (d) right to received allowances in another member states. Definition of workers: The definition of a ‘worker’ has a wider meaning as defined by the Community. However, it is not defined by the member of states3. For example, key case Lawrie-Brum4 concluded that a trainee teacher is a worker. It expanded the definition of a worker to a person who â€Å"for a certain period performs services for and under the direction of another person and in return receives remuneration†. This has given a broader interpretation of a worker, for example, if somebody works in a religious community he or she is still considered a worker5. This case law added further categories (i.e part-time chamber pupil6, part-time music teachers7, pacer in cycling race8, Professional footballer9); who were also regarded as worke rs because they engaged in an economic activity. The ECJ did not allow everyone because it restricts some categories under this broad worker definition. This is seen in the case of Bettray10. He claimed to be a worker while on drug rehabilitation programme. However, the ECJ declined to classify him as a worker because he was not engaged in any economic activity. However, scholars have heavily criticized it. 1.1 Job seekers: Article 45 (ex Article 39 TEC) gives the European Union citizens the right of movement from one union member nation to another in search of a job. However, Article 45 (3) subjects those rights to limitations because the state can derogate a person on the basis of the â€Å"public policy, public security, and public health†. Under the UK law, Procureur, 11an individual can be lawfully deported because he or she did not secure work within a limited time. However, the Court of Justice stopped a lawful deportation of an Italian job seeker12 by applying Article 45. Conversely, Aritcle14 (4) (b) of Directives 2007/38 allows citizens to enter into member states to seek for employment if they have genuine chances of getting a job. Nonetheless, the job seekers are not entitled to full benefits. Arguably, Antonissen13 and Collins14 confirmed this where the ECJ declined to give social security benefit because they were unsuccessful in looking for a job. In essence, this illustrates that citizens have the right to enter and reside in host country

Sunday, September 22, 2019

What Does a Study of Scandinavian Experience Tell Us about the Essay

What Does a Study of Scandinavian Experience Tell Us about the Relationship between Globalisation and the Welfare State - Essay Example As the report declares neoliberal argumentations show that an open economy, as well as a global market where the forces of the market will make the rules, will â€Å"compel all States to converge towards a neoliberal political system which will involve significant cutbacks in States' market interventions as well as the renunciation of States' commitment to redistribution and equality†. In this sense, liberal economic principles, as are present in a global economic environment, will need to be adopted and adapted by the states as well in their programs. This discussion researches that with strict reference to the Swedish model, some show that the model is in a significant crisis and that this crisis has started and continued during the 90s. The explanation for this crisis would be concluding the need for a state to remain competitive in the 21st century, alongside the private actors. The reason for this bears the economic justification of competition: a foreign investor is much more likely to choose a state where the economic policies the state has implemented are more permissive, less aggressive, more flexible. Why choose a state where you would have to pay an additional salary in taxes for each of your employees, when you can choose a country with a permissive legislative system and a location where you could trim your human resource related costs as close to 0 as possible? Globalization is often associated with a diminishment in state sovereignty as private actors.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Theories of Ageing and Their Impact on Health and Social Care Essay Example for Free

Theories of Ageing and Their Impact on Health and Social Care Essay Theories of ageing and their impact on Health and Social Care Provision (D2) During life span and development, we learned about each of the stages of life. In this report I am going to focus on the final stage which is elderly. In today’s society the population of elderly people is rising. As the population of elderly people is rising, it means the need for health and social care services is rising too. As health care services have improved so much over the last number of years, it also means that elderly people will be able to live longer because of improved services and more awareness about health. 10 million people in the UK are over 65 years old. The latest projections are for 5? million more elderly people in 20 years’ time and the number will have nearly doubled to around 19 million by 2050’ – parliament UK As people start to age, most retire around the age of 65/70. For many this is a positive thing as it means more free time and also many elderly people deserve to retire as they have worked hard during their life. When a person retires they may use the time to travel or to get more involved with their community. Some may also move abroad to get more experiences and make the most of the free time they have. Many people continue life-long learning after retirement and may take up a new hobby, sport or language to fill up their free time. However, not everyone’s retirement or becoming elderly is positive. Many elderly people who are not as active may develop an illness or become very lonely. If an elderly person was to develop an illness, it may make them less mobile, depending on the severity of the illness and may end up making them become disengaged from everyone. Dependency is another aspect that elderly people have to face at some point towards the end of their life or even at the start of ageing if they do develop an illness. Many elderly people that go into care homes sometimes feel neglected and a burden. They then may not have as positive end of life as others. The government plays an important role in providing care and other services for elderly people. There are many services that are already in place for people who are 65+. Some examples are: * Free bus passes * Dental care * Eye care * Heating allowances * Free TV licences Free hearing aids * Home helps * Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy treatment free of charge These are just some examples of what is available for people aged 65+. There are many other measures being put in place all the time for elderly people. The government also constantly make positive changes to health care services. E. G. there are more care homes and domiciliary carers now than there would have been 20 years ago. A number of years ago, many elderly people would have been put in hospital and left there till they died however this is not the case anymore. Elderly people now have a choice whether they want to stay at home or go into a type of care setting. There are many ways in which the government have put measures in place to work around the service user and not to go by what the organisation wants. E. G. an elderly person has the choice of having a carer in each day to help them or whether or not they would rather go into care home. This is a positive change because it means not as many elderly people will have to worry about being put into a home without their consent. The government also have in place a pension. This can help an elderly person to live once they retire or run out of savings. Some elderly people may sell their house to cover the cost of living in a care home. This can then cause problems for families as they do not get anything. During my work placement I got talking to an elderly lady who was telling me about her 40 grandchildren that she has and how she would have to give them all money at Christmas. She said she shouldn’t really have given them all money because she can’t afford it but that it was something she always did. There are many reasons in today’s society why there are elderly people living in poverty. There are many cut backs being made that affects everyone although more so than others E. G. an elderly person. If an elderly person doesn’t have any savings and are just relying on benefits then they may start to struggle. A lot of elderly people go into residential care simply because they cannot afford to live alone and provide food and heat for themselves. For unfortunate elderly people who become ill, then they may face barriers too because they may be on a waiting list for something that they urgently need. Many elderly people do not have family to help and support them either and so some end up isolated and having to face problems on their own. In some cases, there are problems with domiciliary carers coming into an elderly person’s house. The statistics for levels of abuse states that the highest number of cases of abuse takes place in someone’s own home. This is a problem because an elderly person is vulnerable, especially if they are ill or have a mental health problem. However, there are many measures put in place now to try and prevent abuse happening E. G. eople who apply for a caring job have to be vetted and police checked, inspections are done in care homes more frequently and elderly people have advocates to speak up for them. Finally, elderly people should look at ageing as a positive aspect of their life because there are so many ways in which they can have a happy end of life and many other reasons why they shouldn’t become disengaged to everyone. Also , elderly people still have many opportunities to learn new skills and can also gain more experiences which should be enjoyed and treasured E. G. having grandchildren and watching their family grow.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Determinants Of Customer Satisfaction In Airline Industry Tourism Essay

The Determinants Of Customer Satisfaction In Airline Industry Tourism Essay Introduction Customer satisfaction has been established as a psychological concept that involves the feeling of customers well-being and pleasure which results from obtaining what he or she hopes for and expects from consuming an appealing product and/or service (Florian and Maren, 2007; Christian, 2005; Abraham and Taylor, 1999). While different scholarly write-ups have confirmed variety of approaches to the explanation of customer satisfaction/dissatisfaction in marketing, in a comprehensive work done by Abraham and Taylor (1999), they developed nine distinct theories of customer satisfaction: namely expectancy disconfirmation; assimilation or cognitive dissonance; contrast; assimilation-contrast; equity; attribution; comparison-level; generalized negativity; and value-precept (Oh and Park, 1997). Customer satisfaction and service quality have also been confirmed to be critical issues in most service industries, and are even highly important for Airline service providers that offer generally un differentiated products. For example, in the airline industry, the main approach to differentiation and the principal means by which one Airline can distinguish itself from another is service before and after sales services (Stafford et al, 1998). Otherwise, companies will be generally unable to differentiate their services based on market offerings because Airlines offer state-mandated standardized products/services. The recent emphasis on service quality and customer satisfaction in the Airline industry illustrates the increased importance Airlines are placing on customer quality and satisfaction (Halil et al, 2008). As such, service quality measurement and customer satisfaction are increasingly becoming important for service firms to stay in the business (Parasuraman et al. 1988). And these service quality measurements processes differs across different industrial domains, because the service manager will account for the unique nature of services, while different service attributes in each organizations are acting as determinants of customer satisfaction because of the complex interrelationship and dependability that exist between them (Fochen and Robert, 2003). Customer satisfaction, one of the central marketing objectives, is closely linked to customer loyalty, the likelihood of recommendation to others, cross-buying behavior; up-grading and lower price sensitivity (Anderson, 1994; Matzler, 2005; Reichheld and Sasser, 1990; Zeithaml, 2000). Literatures like Kurt et al (2006), have explore the dimensionality of price satisfaction as a means to determine customer satisfaction. In their paper, they empirically find that price satisfaction is a complex construct consisting of several dimensions, i.e. price-quality ratio, price fairness, price transparency, price reliability and relative price. Their analyses of these dimensions are given as thus; price transparency is defined as increasing access to information, access to more alternatives, more simplified transactions, increasing communication between customers and a general distrust and resentment among customers. They argued that as a consequence, customers will increasingly demand open, ho nest and complete information on products and prices. Thus, price transparency can be considered as an important aspect of pricing policy. They concluded that price transparency exists when the customer can easily get a clear, comprehensive, current and effortless overview about a companys quoted prices (Matzler et al, 2006). They also explained that price-quality ratio is when the consumers ascribe value to a product or service subject to their perception of two factors: perceived price and perceived quality, or, in other words, the price-quality ratio. They defined customer value as a cognition-based construct that captures any benefit-sacrifice discrepancy. They said if perceived quality exceeds perceived costs, customer value is high, if cost exceeds quality, customer value is low. In their conclusion, they explained that the buyers perceptions of value represent a trade-off between the qualities of benefits they perceive in the product relative to the sacrifice they perceive by paying the price. 1.1 Background of the study The history of Saudi Airline could be traced to 1945 when the then US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt gave a Douglas DC-3 plane as a token gift to the then Saudi Arabia King Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud. This event actually marked the Muslim Kingdoms gradual development in the civil aviation industry. The Kingdoms main carrier Saudi Arabian Airlines was founded in September 1946, which is fully owned and controlled by Saudi government under the control of the Ministry of Defense. In addition to the above development, the airline took extra two delivery of Boeing 720s in 1962, giving it an opportunity to officially register its operations on 19 February 1963. This continuous development has led into establishing the Kingdoms airline as one of the leading in the industry, especially Asia in particular (). In fact, Saudi Airline has been confirmed as the regions second-largest airline by turnover after the giant Emirates airline (). This is because Saudi airline has continuously remained larger than the Qatar Airways in terms of its revenue, and also rated larger than the current fast growing airline popularly called Etihad (). But if measured by the numbers of traffics in the region, the Saudi Arabian airline will still be number three behind the Qatar Airways and the Emirates (). Part of the arguments in favour of Saudi airline is that it is strategically located at the crossroads between Africa, Asia, and Europe and also serving as the largest country within the Arabian Peninsula (). But very important concerns among its transportation stakeholders is how to maximize this external opportunity in conjunction with its current population of about 28 million people that are still depending on few rail network and air travels, an issue that have been argued as a critical component to the economic development of Saudi Arabia (). Following this trend was why the Kingdoms government encouraged the idea of strategically allowing the privately owned low cost airline competitors to rival with the Saudi Arabian Airlines both in the domestic and international markets (). This initiative from the government was subsequently reciprocated by the private investors first through the establishment of NAS airline in February 2007, and Sama airline in Marh, 2007 both initially focusing on various trucks routes within the country (). 1.2 Research problem Due to excessive subsidy of the transport system in Saudi Arabia, both the air and land transport marketers are strategically challenged on best approach to apply in order to efficiently acquire, service and retain profitable customers both within and outside the country (). This issue of subsidized fuel prices does not exclude the Saudi Arabian airline, but practitioners have continuously argued in favour of the need to remove the fare cap so that marketers can conveniently compete without any fear of fare restrictions (). This and many more are the reasons that experts believe serves as the primary cause of Saudi Arabia airline inability to strategically compete with other international airlines like the Emirates and the Qatar Airlines (). Sequel to the above practical issues in Saudi Arabia airline, several authors have argued that service quality can be a strong differentiating factor for any Airline that wants to boost up their market shares and profit position (Halil et al, 2008; Fochen and Robert, 2003; Dennis et al, 1993). Also very recent among the scholarly write-up on Airline Customer Satisfaction is Ekiz et al. (2006), that developed an alternative to SERVQUAL and called it AIRQUAL. They emphasized that this scale is to overcome the psychometrical application of existing problems in Airline Service Quality scales, as initially guided by Churchill (1979) and Parasuraman et al. (1985, 1988). The findings of Ekiz et al (2006), through their AIRQUAL identified a scale of five distinct dimensions, i.e. (airline tangibles, terminal tangibles, personnel, empathy, and image) as a means to successfully manage and measure the quality perceptions of airline customers. Although, it is confirmed that they successfully developed the AIRQUAL scale, but evidences from other scholars shows that their findings failed to identified the impact of Airline price, solution quality, and employee job satisfaction on customer satisfaction, because these variables have been proven to be very significant in determining customer loyalty (Dean, 2007; Kau and Loh, 2006; Schiffman and Kanuk, 2004). Considering Ekiz et al (2006) and other authors limitation and given the importance of these dimensions to the Airline industry, this proposed study wishes to develop on the findings of Ekiz et al.s (2006) and other related literatures on Airline service quality and customer satisfaction. And studies like this will assist in determining the true behavioral intentions of airline customers in Saudi Arabia and the world at large. This proposed research work has develop an additional variable (Price) with specific reference to literatures like Kurt et al (2006), which has explo re the dimensionality of price satisfaction as a means to determine customer satisfaction. In their paper, they empirically find that price satisfaction is a complex construct consisting of several dimensions, i.e. price-quality ratio, price fairness, price transparency, price reliability and relative price. Besides service quality and employee satisfaction, another strong factor that has a direct bearing on a customers satisfaction with a service provider is the quality of the solution that the service provider provides for the customers business problem (Whyte, Bytheway, and Edwards, 1997). To achieve the intended purpose of this proposed study, below is a proposed conceptual framework for this research: Price Customer Loyalty Loyalty Customer Satisfaction Satisfaction Service/Product Quality Quality Solution Quality Employee Satisfaction Satisfaction + + + + 1.3 Research Questions The following questions are based on the issues discussed in the research problem by analyzing the practices of Airline industry in order to find out the impact of Price, Product/Service Quality, and Solution Quality on Customer satisfaction. These research questions are meant to get a feedback from Airline customers that patronize Saudi Airline and a comparable industry leader such as Singapore Airline on what actually constitute their Satisfaction and loyalty. How does Price/Fare affect Customer satisfaction in Airline Industry? How does Product/Service Quality affect Customer satisfaction in Airline Industry? How does Employee Job Satisfaction affect Product/Service Quality in Airline Industry? How does Employee Job Satisfaction affect Solution Quality in Airline Industry? How does Solution Quality affect Customer satisfaction in Airline Industry? How does Customer satisfaction affect Customer Retention in Airline Industry? 1.4 Research Objectives This primary objective of this study is to establish the interdependence of Price perception, Service Quality, Employee Job Satisfaction and Solution Quality on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. To achieve this, this study plans to measure the impact of metrics such as Price perception, Service Quality, Employee Job Satisfaction and Solution Quality on customers satisfaction and loyalty in the Airline industry. Equally included in the study objective is to test the mediating impact of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty, an issue the researcher believes will strong assist in better understanding the mechanism that are behind the relationships between the antecedents and outcome of customer satisfactions within the airline industry. The theoretical framework is based on market orientation approach as a means to exploring and establishing the relationship between Efficient Airline projects as the independent variable and customers loyalty as the dependent variable. To simplify this, the researcher has designed the following objectives to capture the research problem and provide answers to the research questions. To test a model that can explain the impact of Price, Service Quality, Employee Job Satisfaction and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty. Research objective 2: To determine the mediating effects of Customer Satisfaction on Customer Retention/Loyalty. 1.5 Scope of the study The focus of this study is to understand what aspect of Airline operations determines Customer satisfaction. This research is limited to the Airline industry, where Saudi Arabia Airline and a leading Airline such as Singapore Airline will be selected for investigation with a set of sampling technique to explore the determinants of customer satisfaction and loyalty. The focus of this research is limited to the airline industry, where selected customers from the airline industry will be investigated with a set of sampling technique to explore their perceptions of the airline services within tourism industry as a strategic part of tourism marketing. The theoretical background of the research is base on market orientation approach and customer satisfaction theories, while airline Tourism will be study from the perspective of the customers. The researcher is planning to structure this research study as a triangulated exploratory investigation that will integrate both qualitative and quantitative techniques, which will be primarily based on an in-depth interview with managers and professionals from the Saudi Arabia airline industry. 1.6 Significance of the research Airline Industry has been chosen as the subject of this study because it will assist in identifying those variables that determine customer satisfaction and loyalty. To the Airline industry, this proposed research work will assist in establishing industry standard and assist the academics in developing alternative theories and models that will facilitate the general operations of the Airline Industry (Halil et al, 2008; Fochen and Robert, 2003; Dennis et al, 1993). Significance to the Academics Very important to the academics on this research is the detail explorations of the linkages that are between airline operational processes, service quality and contemporary customer satisfaction theories. Arguably, the existing literatures have implied that there exist a relationship between airline operation processes and customer satisfaction (), but till date there is very little published empirical research in this area that is looking at the impact of price, solution quality and employee satisfaction on customer satisfaction and loyalty. In addition to this, existing theoretical gaps have indicated that there is need for the academics to further explore, analyze, explain and expand the links between customer satisfaction theories and airline operation processes. Given the aforementioned, this research will be primarily contributing to the academics through its conceptualization and empirically testing the impacts of airline operational processes like price, service/product quality, employee job satisfaction and solution quality on customer satisfaction and loyalty within the airline industry. Through the developments of a measure that can determine the impact of airline operational processes on customer satisfaction and loyalty will provide the empirical methods for the academics in better understanding and able to predict the actual relationship that is existing between service quality and customer satisfaction theories within the airline industry. Measuring the impact of price will provide the knowledge to determine if increase or decrease in the prices of airline services will lead to better customer satisfaction and improved customer relationship performance or not. Significance to the Practitioners Airline management and managers will benefit by better understanding those factors that actually influence the relationships that exist between their operation processes and customer satisfaction and intention to repurchase. In particular, airline mangers will benefit from their understanding of how solution quality and price can affects their relationship with the customer, and how key attributes in airline services can be developed and supported by operational processes. Both the HR and Production managers will benefit how employee satisfaction can be of significant impact to their service quality and solution quality, specifically through their understanding of the key relationships that exist between airline operational processes and their customer relationship performances. The enhanced knowledge though this research would a long way assist the airline management decision-making processes when they are evaluating their customer relationship performances. In the final analysis, it is worth mentioning here that service quality cannot be separated from the concept of customer satisfaction. This is because the nature or characteristics of the service has also been found to influence the relative importance of the drivers of customer satisfaction (Zeithaml and Bitner, 2000). 1.7 Proposed Methodology and data collection process Though there are many methods of collecting data via survey. In this proposed research work, primary data for the intending statistical analysis will be collected through questionnaire design among the selected Airline customers in Saudi Arabia. The researcher is planning to adopt a second qualitative measurement to affirm research findings and assist in the interprà ©tations of the research results with the help of the Airline Experts/Managers. The Unit of Analysis is who or what that is being studied in a given research. Evidences from the social science research have established a unit of analysis as an organization, an individual, a social interaction or a group of organization/individual. Relating the above into this research, the unit of analysis are the Airline customers that will be surveyed. 1.8 STRUCTURE OF THIS STUDY Chapter one introduces the research topic determinants of customer satisfaction in airline industry and argues on the reasons for using price, service quality and solution quality, also included in it were statement of the research problem, the research questions, the research objectives, scope and limitations of the study and significance of the research. Chapter two will define the dimensions of service quality and offer the theoretical background of airline marketing through a series of literature reviews on tourism marketing and customer satisfaction. The theoretical background upon which the researcher plans to develop a theoretical framework and hypothesis in form of summary will equally be contained in chapter two. Chapter three will introduce the research methodology to be employed in this research, by providing a detailed qualitative and quantitative approach to be applied on each case study; and also contain the procedures for the selection of each case, data collection and discussion of data quality that will assist to determine the validity of the research. Chapter four will consist of the descriptions and analyzes of the practices of the airline projects in Saudi airline. The outcomes of the findings on Saudi airline will be presented for discussion in chapter five. While chapter six will analyze, discuss and make conclusions regarding the research questions and points to the theoretical contribution along with the managerial implications contained in the research. Also to be included in chapter six are the alternative recommendations as a direction for future research.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay --

I am an Armenian, through my veins flows the clear blood of my ancients. We live on a small piece of land called Armenia. My country comes from the ancient times, it is too old and at the same time too young with its independence. I am the inheritor of the Seven, Yerevan, the Aragats, Garni, Ejmiatsin and finally the inheritor of my dear Vanadzor. Vanadzor is a mountain town of unparalleled beauty, realm of forest-covered mountains, of dizzy gorges and bubbling rivers. Vanadzor was greatly damaged during the1988 earthquake. At that time a lot of people came to help us. Though I am eighteen I remember stories about that earthquake told by my parents and grandparents and I also remember the citizens that came to help us. Among them were Garbachov, Eltsin and many other people from all over the world. They were really global citizens. It is unforgettable the deeds done by them. Here we can say that they are respected not only for their personality but as well as their deeds. As we know a citizen is a person who has legal rights in a country. We are all citizens in our countries, but there are citizens whom we can call global. As for me in the range of global citizens the first ones are the people who have the Nobel Prize for peace. I want to mention about a woman called Mother Teresa (Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu). I feel a great respect to this woman and also great respect for her deeds as it is unforgettable and will remain in the memories of generations forever. I should say that she had a too difficult life as her father died and left them in poorness. At the age of 18 she left her parental home and went to an Irish community of nuns. After a few months of training Mother Teresa went to India and took her initial vows as a ... ...ove the life of homeless children charges with the energy and hope for achieving my destination. I am still a teenager and have a lot of things to learn. I know that first of all I must be a good citizen for my country as I know that my nation tried to decline the right of its independence from the first moment of our history and our generation is to keep and improve everything we have. I think that a man must live his life so that he could add at least a bit amount of colour and sense to his life and what is more to the lives of others’ in order to keep truth, joy and meaning in every minute of his life. Now I look back and realize that all the volunteering programs where I took part were just a little sheet of paper from the book I must fulfill, but I do hope that one day I would have done something for society and will be glad and a little proud of my past!

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Putting Capital Punishment to Death :: essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hanging, the firing squad, the gas chamber, the electric chair, lethal injection; these are some present methods of the death penalty. Capital punishment has been used in America for a long time, and has always presented conflicts. There are many groups that protest capital punishment, and there are many groups that are for it. The controversies it presents have to do with the cost, if it is humane, or if it is moral. With all of these problems taken into consideration, it is clear to anyone that capital punishment is the wrong choice.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The early forms of the death penalty were not only much less humane than they are now, but much more cruel and unusual. Hanging, one of the earliest forms, is actually still used in 3 states as one form of capital punishment. The inmate would not get blindfolded, unlike most methods, then they would stand on a stool or box. A noose would then be wrapped, and tightened, around their neck. The box or stool is then kicked out from under the inmate, and onlookers watch in anticipation while the inmate suffocates to death. In some cases, the inmate’s neck would break, instantly killing him. (Baird 22)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Other early forms of capital punishment were the guillotine and the firing squad. Both of these methods used blindfolds. For the guillotine, the inmate would lay down on their back under a huge blade hanging above their neck. The executioner would then cut a rope, releasing the blade that then slices through the inmate’s neck, decapitating him. For the firing squad, and inmate would be led to a chair in front of a brick wall. A trained firing squad then lines up in front of the inmate. The firing squad then fires their guns at a target on the inmate’s chest. To relieve the guilt of the squad, some of their guns were loaded with blanks, so no one could know if they were the ones who killed the man. The guillotine is not used anymore, but the firing squad is still used in a few states. Anyone can see why these methods are not used as much anymore. (Baird 21)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Now to the real controversies. Most people do not realize these inhumane methods of capital punishment are still being used, but the more controversial ones are the methods everyone knows about. One of the older current methods is he electric chair. The electric chair is not the most controversial, even though it is the least humane of the widely used practices.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Refugee Women During the 21st Century Essay -- Immigration Feminism Im

Refugee Women During the 21st Century Refugees face governmental turmoil, political prosecution and natural disasters; however, women are further burdened by their female status, biological functions and lack of attention to the needs of women in refugee camps. Refugee women sustain emotional and often physical scars attempting to escape from oppressive situations. They are forced to leave, face death or perhaps something worse. They may find these horrors anyway, but they will risk that unknown for a chance at a different life. The first stop on this arduous journey is often a refugee camp. Here, if they are lucky, they are provided with basic needs such as food and shelter. During a presentation by the International Rescue Committee, a group that helps refugees, my fear was confirmed, that the needs of women are not being met. The I.R.C. spokesman said, "Women are sometimes given information on birth control, AIDS prevention and family planning, but it depends on the country." I find it difficult to imagine that something as obvious as birth control is hardly considered or ...

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Technology Has One Of The Biggest Development

It has become the first phone with multi- touch screen. Since this moment, a lot of other companies such as Samsung r ETCH tried to tackle Apple and outsell Phone. This has become the beginning of the famous confrontation between Android and ISO. R R R The latest model of Apple, Phone 55, was released in 201 3, 30 years ago after the first cellophane. It seems incredible how drastically changed the history of the mobile phones within 3 decades.From big and heavy brick it transformed into the small and convenient device with multi-touch screen R with the ability to download many different APS, and have a ton of many other options such s R easy access to the Internet in any time and place and, of course, a good camera R R You may not be the fan of the Apple, but there's the one thing you should admit: they do start the trends. In 2010 Apple presented a brand legendary gadget -? Pad. And suddenly everyone wanted to have a tablet.And many variations with different Ox's such as Android, W indows, and ISO is continuing to appear till today R The development of tablets made a real revolution. Almost 10 years ago appearing of the notebooks made needless cumbersome and inconvenient to carry personal computers. Nowadays, because of tablets even notebooks will stay in the past soon. R In 2013 Microsoft released the Surface, Windows-8-based newcomer to the tablet wars, which doubles as keyboard and allows this device to serve as notebook.So you have a table and a notebook in one device But technological progress touched not only phones and computers, it made the things that we couldn't even imagine. R â€Å"The future is now' – this is slogan of the Google Glass – the display of augmented reality which has the form of the glasses. R It means hat you can take a picture, record a video, send a message, make a phone call and use Google using only the glasses.It seems impossible but this is reality. R Another technical newcomer that becoming popular today is Smar t Watch – a computerized wristwatch with functionality that is enhanced beyond timekeeping and have such functions as WI-IF, audio and video player, GAPS and many other. R As we see, for the 30 years gadgets literally became the part of our life. The technologies are rapidly developing R and every year they amaze us more and more.

Hotel Management System Essay

1.1 Introduction The aim of every business is to achieve operational excellence and efficiency. The effectiveness of business processes today has been influenced by technology. However, as computing technology becomes increasingly vital to conducting business and communicating with associates, new and more complex issues must be resolved. Among them is the need to ensure that the benefits derived from using computers are not reduced due to accompanying information management inefficiencies or to the creation of new business risks. A hotel is a building where travelers can pay for lodging, meals and other activities. Hotel Management involves combination of various skills like management, marketing, human resource development, and financial management, inter personal skills, dexterity, etc. Hotels are a major employment generator in tourism industry. Hotel management can be a very lucrative field, both in terms of annual revenues Furthermore, hotels are big attractions to businesses and associations l ooking to hold events. Booking an event means additional revenue for the use of a conference or banquet room, in addition to overnight guests who may use laundry and other concierge services. Work in the area of Hotel Management involves ensuring that all operations, including accommodation, food and drink and other hotel services run smoothly. Hotel management system goes a long way to assist hotels in achieving its aims. Hotel management system as an automated system will enable hotels provide all round services to their various customers or stakeholders through digital or electronic means. The system will assist management in its day-to-day business activities, make decisions. 1.2 Subject and Field of Study The field of study is computer studies and in relation to the subject area being Information Management system and Web Application Development with highlights on Database management, Web and Internet Technology. This project is a web application development project prior to my area of study, the project is designed specifically for hotel businesses that has seen the need of transforming business activities from the manual process to digital process and also businesses that needs safe and proper customer data management in electronic form using the internet. 1.3 Study Objectives The study objectives are categorized into two: 1.3.1 Global Objective: The Global objective of this project is to contribute to the general body of knowledge and research work in the area of developing a hotel management system that will automate the whole management processes of the organization (hotels). 1.3.2 Specific Objectives: The following are the targeted objectives to be accomplished in order to achieve the general objective above. To be able to create mutual communication between customer and business (hotel). To provide a platform for online booking and reservation by customer’s rooms. To provide easy access to customers in viewing and making selection of hotel rooms. To be able to manage fast access to guest(customers) information and easy update of records. To be able to provide security measures to access the hotels information lowering data security threats. To be able to provide better data management facilities To able to enable backups of respective users to be made and accessed when it is needed. 1.4 Problem Statement Intended to explore the impact of the design of Hotel Management System is expected to overcome the general problems in handling issues relating to hotel business activities, managerial activities, difficulties in providing stock control of equipment’s used in the hotel, difficulties on monitoring and tracking customers details and requirements on which the tasks are performed, the time consuming aspects of various customers moving all the way to the preferred hotel to make reservation and bookings as well as viewing at the hotel rooms available. However providing notifications to respective customers about their reservation status is also time wasting. Also management of these hotels finds it difficult manually keeping records of their various employees, clients and other vital hotel related information. Difficulties in making references to old business transactions, data’s and other negotiations and issues concerning security of data and  recovery manners is also considered. It is designed to replace old method of recording information by using pen and paper. 1.5 Research Methodology The proposed research methodology for this project is the â€Å"Waterfall Model†. The waterfall model takes fundamental process activities and it is a sequential design process, often used in software development processes, in which progress is seen as flowing steadily downwards (like a waterfall) through the phases of separate process phases such requirement specification, software design implementation, testing and maintenance. To ensure that our project is in par with our client needs, we used the waterfall model approach in developing the systems. The first process of the model is data gathering. Here we gather information about basic hotel management system functionalities. Joint Application Development (JAD) will be used as fact- findings techniques that will be used to gather the requirements analysis if the Hotel Management System should be implemented in any hotel. After the first phase of data gathering we proceeded in interviewing our clients. We asked about what their expectations were in a hotel management system. Some clients already had a hotel management system. In this case we asked them about what improvements they would have wanted to add in the system such as implementing an attribute for passport information. After gathering all of the information from our clients we proceeded with the next step which is analyzing of data and problem solving. In here we began conceptualizing the components our system needed such as inputting name and creating a log in log out system. We also thought about what elements from our initial concept did not require. After conceptualizing all of the elements we need in creating our system we proceed to the next step which is implementing requirements. In here we decide what applications we need in developing the system. Here we decided to use VB.Net and MySQL as our primary programming languages. Now that we have our tools we proceed to the next step which is system and software design. In here we take our concept design and upgrade that design by implementing our tools in the design. This means we have to understand the requirements of the end user and also have an idea of how the end product should look like. System design also helps us specify the hardware and  system requirements to create the overall system architecture. System design is the (stepping stone towards) our next task which is GUI design. GUI design is the process of designing user interface of the entire system. This means that we start creating actual look of the program for our system. After creating the design we proceed to next step which is system coding. This is where the command lines are assigned to a GUI so that they would have their proper functions. An example would be initiating the connection query in order to connect to the database. After adding all of the required components we proceed to the final step which is system testing and debugging. Here both individual components and the integrated whole are methodically verified to ensure that they are error-free and fully meet the requirements. 1.6 Background and Justification of the Study The purpose of this study is to investigate the extent to which a hotel management system will be used in the organization to manage hotel business processes. A background study shows that the hotel’s daily operation is managed by the Administrative Department. The process starts from customers coming to the hotel to make reservations and enquiries, through the hotel receptionist. The customer booking details will be recorded in a manual form and filed. After making enquiries and finally a reservation is made, the reservation form would be forwarded to the cashier for payment to be made, all involving paper work. Since it involves paper work lots of time is consumed and booking & reservation takes a lot of time. Furthermore, when a customer wants to check out, files will have to be searched and retrieved so that the final operations of checking out a customer will be performed. Some of the service personnel who have studied the issues concerning the manual business operation issued by customers, has contended that the manual operation reduces the operational productivity of the hotel. Because there have been cases records have been mishandled due to human error, some data’s cannot be found etc. HMS helps in managing reservations, bookings, guests and agents. The user can search for the vacant rooms in the hotel and book for it by not necessarily coming to the  physical location of the hotel. An administrator can view the booking details, transactions and coordinate the activity with the agents. He can track the entire site activity. Reservations can also be made through a phone call or an email. 1.7 Expected Outcome of the Project At the end of this project, the following becomes the outcome: There will be a created mutual communication between customer and management. Customers will be enabled make online booking and reservation by searching for rooms. There will be enabled effective storage of customers’ data Administrators will be able to manage fast access to guest files and updates of records will be done effectively and efficiently. Administrators will be provided with better data management facilities. There will be enabled security measures when trying to access the hotels information lowering data security threats. There will be enabled frequent backups of respective user details and access when needed. 1.8 Presentation of Thesis Chapter 1: General introduction is focused on the research which is the Project Proposal. Chapter 2: Literature Review which focuses on history and the outlook of the existing systems. Chapter 3: Methodology. In this chapter, the proposed system is analyzed into details and its importance discussed expansively where context level diagrams, dataflow diagrams, flowcharts will be used to explain the proposed system further. Chapter 4: System Analysis and Design; the study carries on with the design of the system. This chapter will encompass database modeling, class modeling, use case modeling and the relationship diagram of the proposed system. Chapter 5: Testing and Implementation; Implementation of the computer software goes on after the design. The system will be tested and reviewed to reveal errors. In this chapter also the documentation of the completed system. It also lays emphasis on both the users of the system and the system itself. Under the user documentation, the manual for both the user and the expert who will administer the system will be known. Finally conclusion and recommendation will be made as well as observations are identified and the necessary improvement which could be added to the system is made.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Describe Functionalist and Marxist Perspective on Education.

Describe functionalist and Marxist perspective on education. Functionalist Education can be described as the method whereby society continually passes on the knowledge it has gain from pass generations to the next or future generation. It is centered around and entails the teaching of the three R’s, which includes: arithmetic’s, reading and writing but also encompass social, spiritual, moral and physical component. It is viewed as a secondary agent of socialization as it socializes individuals into the norms and acceptable behaviors of society. Functionalist view education as having many roles but are interested mainly in how education meets society needs. They believe that one of its major roles being to equip individuals with intellectual knowledge. Functionalist also believes that besides it most obvious role of passing on society’s knowledge, education also has other latent roles that affects the individual on a holistical level and is reflective of society values, beliefs and norms. According to Durkheim individuals learn to socialize with one another within the schools through the integration of people from all diversity of society and this he believes is one of the latent roles of education, which he also call â€Å"moral education†. Besides this, functionalist believes that education have other latent or subtle roles that are used to instill in individuals values that stem from political and economic system and as a result help them build their self-confidence and prepares them for meeting society demands. For example, independence is taught through individualism. Functionalist also, believe that sorting (separating students on the basis of merit) another function of the school is essential in determine from early on who is capable of doing what and what job they will be better suited to in the future. The next function to take place after this is networking, they believe this function facilitates matchmaking and is unavoidable within the schools setting as individual of background, interest and education comes together to learn. Marxist Marxist sees education as a continuation of functionalist ideologies. They believe that education is used by functionalist to maintain the line of segregation that exists between the classes. Hence the reason why the Marxist view education as being used to create an â€Å"obedient working class† continuing the status quo. Acting as a persistent cause of inequality continuing to maintain the power structures and giving them the tool to create a â€Å"docile† work force. However, it is the view of the Marxist that the education system could be used as a system that helps in sorting the individuals of society into what is their calling position in life, it is the way it is done that their exist a problem. The problems they believe exist in the strategy that is used to by the functionalist to achieve this. This strategy they see as based on the ideals of functionalism which is according to class, race and gender. This is achieved in the form of the hidden agenda that exist within the curriculum that is used to educate. This hidden curriculum Marxist believes is present in every classroom and is taught through the use of the curriculum, hence the reason it is call the hidden curriculum. To the Marxist school of taught the hidden curriculum is present in numerous forms, this is evident in the funding that is available to school in affluent areas. These school according to Marxism are funded by â€Å"property taxes† because of there affluent location. Because of this they can afford to pay higher salaries to their teacher and this give them better teachers, available books and even technology. This in turn cause the students that attend these school to have better opportunities than child children who are schooled in rural areas that do not get the amount of funding that the other school get. Some of theses children are not even given the opportunity to go to college or even complete school. This inequality is also present in the exams that are given to children of the two classes. This is seen in the traditional IQ test that is given to student for acceptance into school. This test is Suppose to test the mental knowledge of the child but the formation of the test is not based on the intelligence of the child but on cultural knowledge. This creates a bias because children from a poor social background will not be able to answer question base on the culture of the affluence classes. This is called Cultural bias and is caused by inequality of the classes. They disagree with the idea that education can be used as a tool for any individual to move up within the social classes that exist in society. They believe that these principles are far from the truth. As religion is used to opiate the people against the real issues that affect them and to help in keeping them from solving their problems so to is education used to discourage the people from helping themselves and to remain within their social classes. Marxist see education as an influential tool in maintaining the lines that separate the have from the have not. Another argument of the functionalist school of taught is the use of meritocracy to help individual achieve status in life. However that Marxist sees this as a false perception, and believes that through meritocracy functionalist portrays the ideals of inequality of opportunity. Marxist believed that it is just another tool that is used to create an unequal society. The hidden curriculum is also present in the socialization process that takes place in school. It is of the view of many sociologists regardless of association or theory that the school is a major institution in the socialization process. It is for this reason that the Marxist believes that functionalist used this as the bases for the continuation of their theories. They see the hidden curriculum in this case as use to instill the norm and values of the functionalist. This is used to tell student what is deem as wrong or right, not allowing room for questioning. The question that Marxist asks is who is to tell what is right or wrong? Whether culturally, academically or otherwise. The hidden curriculum does not stop at school level but it is seen as being continued through out an individual lifetime whether it is in the home, work place or society as a whole.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Dealing with Offending Behaviour Essay

Acknowledgement of offending behaviour and its impact Despite a 50% increase in the budget for prisons and managing offenders in the last ten years almost half of all adult offenders released from custody reoffend within a year so effective rehabilitation is needed to enable us to break the cycle of crime and prison. This rehabilitation includes offending behaviour programmes, which make offenders, confront and acknowledge the damage their behaviour does, and then learn how to change the patterns which have often grown up over many years and have become a way of life. Assessment of individual behaviour A plan is drawn up for an individual depending on their offences and the analysis completed when they first arrived in custody to decide which offending behaviour programmes, education and training they will receive while in prison to prepare them for release. Assessment of associated risks The offender can be a risk to themselves and the public. They put themselves at risk of being back in prison if they leave and carry on the same lifestyle with the same people, surroundings and pressures. Breaking out of a cycle of crime is hard for an individual but it is possible with support from rehabilitation programmes inside and out of prison. If the cycle isn’t broken and an offender leaves prison the public are at risk of crimes by that person; damage to life, people and property can happen which could have been prevented if the correct programmes were available to them while inside. Behaviour factors Prisoner’s behaviour issues can lead them to reoffend because of different factors such as physical, social, psychological and emotional. People with offending behaviour are more likely to be aggressive and impulsive which can link to medical conditions such as ADHD and autism meaning they misunderstand social norms and behave in an anti-social manner. If they live in a disadvantaged society there are more negative peer groups surrounding  offenders, encouraging them to be anti-social. The families in these areas won’t have appropriate role models to teach the norms of society making young people think it’s acceptable to be truant from school, meaning lack of qualification and becoming more likely to commit crime when they’re older. Offending behaviour Young people and adults who display serious and persistent offending behaviour usually have patterns of negative behaviour dating back to their early years. The key to prevention lies in the early years and parents having a good understanding of their role in shaping their children’s behaviour; if this isn’t done correctly the child grows up not understanding social norms and values of society so when they grow up they commit crimes thinking it’s a normal way to behave. They get punished for it, released from prison and carry on their corrupted criminal life if nothing is done to change them inside prison. Changing behaviour positively To help prisoners deal with their offending behaviour they are able to talk about what they think and feel about their crimes, they can then reflect and understand the harm they caused to others through their actions. Also a lot of time and resources are used teaching prisoners new techniques such as problem solving, coping mechanisms and decision making to help them think through past incidents and show how they can be changed in the future. Impact of crime on victims After experiencing a crime, people can be affected in different ways. Sometimes people feel quite normal for a while and then things may suddenly start to fall apart, while others can have physical symptoms such as lack of sleep or feeling sick with worry. People around you such as friends, partners and children are also likely to be affected. They may feel similar emotions to yours alongside being concerned about you but at the same time; many people find that others around them expect them to just ‘get over it.’ Current offending behaviour programmes ââ€"  Sex Offenders Treatment Programmes (SOTP) SOPT is a range of programmes specifically for sex offenders designed according to individual needs and their risk levels in society. It helps offenders understand how and why they have committed sexual offences and also increases awareness of victim harm. The main focus is to help the offender develop meaningful life goals and practice new thinking and behavioural skills that will lead them away from reoffending. ââ€"  Controlling Anger and Learning to Manage it (CALM) CALM is an emotional management programme designed for offending behaviour stemmed from intense emotions. The goals are to help offenders understand the factors that trigger their anger and aggression and learn skills to manage their emotions. Reoffending Different things trigger people to reoffend including poor thinking, problem solving skills and little self-control when under peer pressure. People who reoffend usually can’t see the potential problems they are putting themselves in; this is usually because they are unable to disassociate with other offending peers. These groups have a tendency to be more impulsive and aggressive with hostile behaviour which results in trouble with the police.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Case Problem Stateline Shipping and Transport Company Essay

Case Problem Stateline Shipping and Transport Company - Essay Example Polychem has six sites that are available to pick waste of Stateline. Polychem then would like Stateline to transport the waste for disposal to any of the or one of the three sites. Stateline has to transport the waste to the site and incur costs for the same (Bernard, 2010). In order to do so, Rachel needs to see what the less costly shipping routes are. This is basically the transportation problem for the issue such as cost minimization. The problem face by the company is that it has six collection centers from where the company wishes to pick up the waste and transport it to the nearest three disposable centers which should be at a minimum cost. The following below table summarizes the costs from the collection centers to the disposable sites. Since the company has the option to drop and load back at certain points i.e. plant or disposal center without any extra cost, we can find roots in this model too. It is considered to be cheap to drop and load back at intermediate places then shipping them directly. The company will enjoy the cost advantage by dropping the waste at a certain intermediate points as described in the below table. All such roots with the lowest cost are given in the following table. Using the original problem the minimum cost of the company without using any intermediate comes out to be $2822. But by using some intermediate points the original problem was modified and solves once again to check the minimum cost. The results showed that by using intermediate points and the new model caused a reduction in the transportation costs. The cost was reduced to $2630. In order to achieve this company must follow the following transportation roots as described above. Waste from the Kingsport to duras should be transported to Macon first and then Macon to Duras. Waste from the Macon to Los Canos should be carried to Selma first and then from Selma to Los Canos. Waste from Selma to White water should be carried to Columbus first and

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Euthyphro Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Euthyphro - Essay Example Because their opinions about holiness are at odds, Socrates who is portrayed by Plato as a person who is eager to engage in discourse with the people on Athens asks Euthyphro what his concept of holiness is so he might learn from how Euthyphro defines it. Says Socrates, â€Å"Tell me then, what is the pious, and what the impious, do you say?† (5e) Initially, this is how the concept of holiness emerges in the dialogue between Socrates and Euthyphro and it soon takes a prominent position in the dialogue as it becomes the main topic of their conversation as they wait to be shown into court for their respective cases. In response to Socrates’ question, Euthyphro provides him with three basic definitions by which he thinks holiness is defined. Every time Euthyphro gives Socrates a definition for the concept of holiness, Socrates gives him an argument to refute it and thus Euthyphro is forced to provide another definition. Finally, when Euthyphro gives the third definition an d Socrates refutes it, Euthyphro storms off annoyed with Socrates for disagreeing with all his attempts to define what is holy. First, he says â€Å"I say that the pious is to do what I am doing now, to prosecute the wrongdoer, be it about murder or temple robbery or anything else, whether the wrongdoer is your father or your mother or anyone else; not to prosecute is impious.† (5e) Thus holiness is defined by prosecuting those people who are blasphemous and go against religion. Second, he says â€Å"Well then, what is dear to the gods is pious, what is not is impious† (7) Thus, holiness is defined by what the gods like and mutually consent. Lastly, Euthyphro tells Socrates that â€Å"I would certainly say that the pious is what all the gods love, and the opposite, what all the gods hate, is the impious.† (9e). Therefore, piety is what lies within the bounds of actions the god’s love and those that the god’s hate, become automatically unholy. Socra tes refutes Euthyphro’s definitions at each stage by providing elaborate counter arguments of his own. To Euthyphro’s first definition that holiness is punishing people who go against religion, Socrates says that this is a definition that excludes a variety of holy things that have nothing to do with persecuting blasphemous people and thus an incomplete definition that doesn’t hold on various counts. To Euthyphro’s second definition that holy things are those that are approved by the gods, Socrates says that this definition is also flawed because the gods are often fighting and there is seldom a time they all agree on one thing, thus no deed is holy according to this definition. He says â€Å"Then according to your argument, my good Euthyphro, different gods consider different things to be just, beautiful, ugly, good, and bad† (7e) and that â€Å"The same things then are loved by the gods and hated by the gods, and would be both god-loved and god- hated†¦ And the same things would be both pious and impious, accord ­ing to this argument?† (8) Euthyphro is disgruntled but has no choice but to agree with Socrates. Lastly, Socrates refutes Euthyphro’s statement by asking him to consider an important statement â€Å"Consider this: Is the pious loved by the gods because it is pious, or is it pious because it is loved by the gods?† (10) and he asks Euthyphro to run a parallel comparison between the preceding statement and the fact that â€Å"that which is being carried is being carried because someone

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The Main Arguments for and against Turkey's entry to the EU Essay

The Main Arguments for and against Turkey's entry to the EU - Essay Example Since 1959, when Turkey sent in its application to join the European Union (then known as the European Economic Community), Europe has been pondering over the fact whether a primarily Islamic nation lying mostly outside European geographic borders can really be made a part of the Union. While Turkey and EU have a common past of contractual relationship for many years, which led to the negotiations for accession in 2005, the former has always been perceived as an outsider, with whom Europe established relationships primarily for security reasons. The decision to start official talks on Turkey’s EU membership was made on 16 December 2004, while the accession negotiations started on 3 October 2005. This met with a hurdle, when Austria and Germany asked for permissions to allow ‘privileged partnership’ for Turkey without actually making it a full member. With other member states not agreeing to this clause, accession negotiations started, aimed at a full membership. H owever, negotiations have been adjourned on many instances since 2006, primarily due to objections raised by Cyprus, which is against Turkey’s accession to the EU membership (Barber, 2009). This is owing to the fact that currently the island of Cyprus is divided, wherein the Turkish troops have occupied its northern part and its ships are denied entry into Turkish ports. Austria and France have also declared their intention of holding a referendum on Turkey's EU membership. Currently, out of 35 accession chapters eight have been adjourned, which has effectively interrupted the membership negotiations. Owing to this, there has been a sharp fall in pro-EU support amongst the Turks, where a majority believe the accession process is biased and close-ended (Sayfa, 2013). A closer study reveals that majority of the EU member states never considered the EU-Turkey relationship as an essential part of the EU integration. Even after nearly five decades of EU’s relationship with Turkey, the perspective did not change, on the other hand the feeling of alienation increased on both sides (Cendrowicz, 2009). While a majority of the Europeans viewed Turkey as an outsider, the Turks felt that Europe as a political entity cannot be trusted, especially after the Treaty of Sevres post WWI, and furthermore after viewing unwillingness on part of the EU to assist Turkey once the accession negotiations started. In this context, the essay analyses the highly controversial issue of Turkey’s integration into the EU, and highlights the main arguments for and against Turkey's entry to the Union. Discussion Hurdles to the EU accession based on legal principles There were six member states that created the European Community for Coal and Steel (primarily states from Western Europe) in 1952, later known as the European Economic Community or EEC (1957), and which is now referred to as the EU. The preamble of the EEC treaty stated very clearly that this treaty aimed at cre ating a close union among the European people. In the same treaty, Article 237 stated that all European states are eligible to become a part of this Community. This article has since them become the foundation for integration, and is an essential aspect in the political and legal basis of the EU and the Union’s policy to unite Europe. This aspect has been reiterated in the 1993 Maastricht Treaty and had been considered in the proposal for 2004 drafting of the treaty for the Constitution for Europe, ratified by all EU member states. This treaty states in Article I-58 that all European states are free to enter the Union. Thus, here the main emphasis has always been on ‘European states,’ and all contractual provisions become a part of the common law framed by the different European treaties, binding

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Methods of Teaching and Assessment in Higher Education in the U.K Essay

Methods of Teaching and Assessment in Higher Education in the U.K - Essay Example Generally, teachers and research professionals make available time tabled classes and independent works for a sizeable amount of time based on the course. Independent learning programs play significant role in current education system in U.K. It has often been identified as promoting international standards for educational programs. Independent learning programs ensure more responsibility from the part of students and they also help students to practice effective time management (Quality Improvement Agency). Therefore, independent learning programs and teaching methods are essential for higher education classrooms for international standards. Direct and lecturing methods of teaching also bestow considerable assistance for students in their researches and they ensure desirable learner outcome and academic development among the students from U.K. Education professionals in U.K strongly advocates the implementation of learner centered education programs. Because of this they have design ed teaching methods with the backgrounds of learning theories. Conventional or traditional methods like lecturing, work place training, seminars and group discussion play vital roles in the field of higher education program in United Kingdom. Lecturing permits the students to get up-to date information about their prescribed topics. Seminars and problem solving methods in higher education class rooms help the students to improve personal skills and gain better understanding. All these teaching methods keep an eye on providing quality education for all and methods like seminars and group discussions help the students to acquire knowledge from various sources. Duke Maskell and Ian Robinson inform that â€Å"More whole class teaching will produce nothing but more classes taught as a... This paper approves that process of assessment demands higher level of accuracy and it plays a significant role in education process. Choice of assessment methods are mingled with the overall objectives of the program. In higher secondary level, it contains the systematic development of various disciplinary skills such as problem solving, observation, and creative thinking among the students. Students prepare assignments, essays, portfolio, open book examinations, dissertations and project works related with their prescribed subjects. Methods of problem solving and developing plans include various activities like work-based problem, group work, case analysis and preparing enquiry report and conference programs. This essay makes a conclusion that it is evident that innovative teaching methods and assessment techniques in universities provide sufficient academic development for students. Higher education programs in U.K. practices various teaching methods which included the elements of both traditional and modern teaching methods. Effective assessment methods are developed through the support of various learning theories like cognitive theory and constructivism. Existing teaching methods and assessment programs satisfy students’ requirement. Various fields of higher education in U.K. like language and literature, professional education, electronics and communication and healthcare provide international standard for its curriculum as well teaching and assessment methods.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Argument - Essay Example In return, there has been high agricultural production. Opponents of organic food argue that organic farming methods wastes land since they use less land. Further, they argue that there is no prove that organically produced foods are more nutritious than genetically produced foods. Therefore, there is the need to change some assumptions about genetically engineered crops (Dena and Stave 348). Majority of people who use organic food argue that they do so because they aim to avoid health hazards associated with it. Further, they argue that it is good to practice natural methods of food production since it is perceived that food produced using natural methods is healthy and contain less chemicals such as pesticides. For instance, drawing from an experiment conducted on children in US, the urine of those children who consumed foods grown conventionally had more pesticides residues than the urine sample of those children who consumed food grown naturally. Production of food organically does not destroy soil quality but instead keeps the quality of the soil because it does not involve the use of synthetic fertilizers that makes the soil lose its nitrogen and other important nutrients (Dena and Stave 349-352). In addition, organic food encourages biodiversity in the sense that it does not foster the use of intensive herbicides and pesticides that endanger crop species but instead they use no herbicides and apply less pesticide thus increasing the soil organic matter. Conventional farming use synthetic fertilizers made from nitrogen, which in turn finds its way into lakes, rivers, and other ecosystems thus affecting water surroundings. Contrary, organic farming does not pollute the ecosystem because farmers use fewer fertilizers and in some cases, they do not use any fertilizers. It is significant to note that organic method of farming